November 6, 2008


Sooo, hmm. Lemme see what's going on.

Well right now I'm about to go to the mall with Melanie and Shannon. I never get to hang out with them so I'm pretty excited. I wish I could hang out with my other family buddies. (aka Allison & Paul's family and Micheal & Gage.) But I have awesome news; I got my invisiline on Tuesday! They bug so badly, but they are worth it. I actually lost themyesterday and was flipping out. How silly, right? I found them like hours later though.

So I'm done with Northridge. Very, very done. I don't like it, I mean it's better than the school I went to in NJ, but I just don't feel comfortable there. I used to have a bunch of friends, but they all went "poof!" Sooo, I decided instead of just deciding to drop out I'm going to give an alternative high school a shot. :) I'm pretty excited, I visited it last week and liked it. But I forgot my XANAX so I was pretty flippin' anxious.

<- My school, if I get accepted.

Speaking of Xanax, I lost it while trick-or-treating. I was so pissed. Now my psych dude is taking me off of it. I don't like him, I liked the one I had before.

I was really sad on Halloween. I miss my sister so so so much. SO MUCH. And I felt really alone. I've been feeling like that lately. I think I need to hang out with Maiya some more.

Soooo, what else? I can't really think of anything at the moment. I wonder if anyone is going to go see the Twilight movie. I read the books a year ago and liked them. I haven't read the latest one, but I'm gonna re-read the other three again. It's been a long time, so I want to brush up on it. I think the movie will ruin it. They always do. But I really love the actress playing Bella. I've seen some of her movies and she is cool. :) So yeah.
Obama won. :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) !!! !! ! !! I'm excited, but I hate Biden (dunno how to spell that) he's creepy & shady, and gives off a bad vibe. I wanted Hilary. <3>


My Rags to Riches said...

Yay, it was fun to hang out w/ you at the mall! Sorry it took forever.

Allison said...

i love you !love lauren.

Allison said...

I Love you

love Gavin