August 10, 2009

Yo, what's up cheerio?

So, nothing has really happened lately. I sleep a lot and the rest of my time is spent by sitting on my butt all day. I'm just waitin' for school to start. It's weird to me that I really like school. Well, my school at least.

Um, weight sucks. >:[ Majorly. But binge eating is gone and done, so that's fabulous. C: I've found that peanut butter on a waffle is much tastier than on bread.

I wish I could hang out with my dad. But it's been like at least a month. I feel kinda crappy because of that.

I've been watching Gage lately. He's cool, but I can't really keep up with his energy. I have bought a lot of stuff for kids and found lots of activity ideas in case anyone wants me to watch their kid(s). But once I start school on the 24th I won't be able to. I'll be really busy.

OH! My vice principle said that I could probably graduate after the first semester. How is that for beating the odds?!? C: I'm gonna graduate... yay! Holy crap, and I'm gonna be a senior. And be going to an applied communtiy college.

Future, future.. here I come.